
Showing posts from January, 2010

one of lifes

For so long music has been such a big part of my life. I love listening to the stories found in lyrics. The way the words flow to the sounds of the melodies. I love the way hearing a sweet love song makes me feel, and how reved up I can get to a song that has a good beat. For as long as I can remember, one of my most favorite things to do growing up, and even until this day has been to just go my bedroom and lie on my bed and just listen to music. DORKY RIGHT?! I know it is, but I really DON'T CARE! of my goals this year is to smarten up and put my talents/passion to good use. I want to start teaching piano again, and finsih writing some of the songs that I have totally put off...for what seems like FOREVER! One of my new favorite songs is sung by Jennifer Paige and Nick Carter...called Beautiful I thought considering the theme of my post, to put the lyrics on here...and I've also uploaded the song to play when you first come to the here ya
Well...welcome to 2010! I'm really excited for a new year. It's a great one so far! We started a little "game" if you will, our own version of the Biggest Loser at work. There's a lot of people that want to loose weight and get healthier, me being one of those people. Besides the Jackpot Prize(everyone put in $40.00), the greatest thing will be to just feel good about myself again. So...we started this past Monday, and I have to say I've been kicking butt! I've been eating super healthy and have been exercising too. It's amazing how good your body can feel, and how much extra energy you can have because of eating properly and working out. Like tonight...for example. What would have been a usual night to sit back and watch tv...I um...I guess I started doing that by watching one of my soaps from earlier...BUT I after that worked out..doing our Biggest Loser Wii game. After that had dinner and that is where I'd normally be done for the night