
Showing posts from May, 2010

Forever Long...

So, here we are. It's a few months since my last post, and lots of things have happened since then. We've had Jenny and Anea(sister in-law and niece) with us for about 3 weeks, and now have Ione (Richards mom) with us. We've had a pretty crummy "spring/summer" so far...because we've only had a few days of decent weather. One of my best friends Mary getting Married July 16. I SOOOOO wish I could be their, but I'm so happy for her...LOVE YA! Back in January, we started the "biggest loser" at work. It finished in at the end of April. Both myself and another co-worker and I tied. We both lost 23 pounds. That was pretty exciting. We started up again at the beginning of May and will go for another 4 months to do another biggest loser. We'll see how that pans out. One thing I do have to mention, is how thankful I am for such a good husband. I seriously just love him to pieces. There isn't a man in this world that I would rathe