
Showing posts from January, 2009

Getting to Know You...

L-R-Brooklyn, Emma, Mason and Josh L-R-Eathen M., Ethen F., Isabell, Alex The whole group So today I had a little party for my primary class at our apartment. With the new year just starting, I thought it would be fun to have a "get to know you" party. I know that most of the kids know each other, but I don't. It was lots of fun. Each of the kids brought their most prized possession and had a chance to show it to everyone. We had lots of fun games and we were super busy the whole time. Seven children showed up in total. If everyone had showed up, I would have had 11 kids!! It was lots of fun, but I am definitely exhausted!! I could sure use a

A very long and painful week...

So last week I had a horrible cough, that finally went away this past Sunday. I was very happy to have it done and over with! Then comes this past Tuesday(Jan.6th)at 2:30am and I got a fever. Well that fever lasted until today. I haven't checked my temp. sense this morning, but I'm pretty sure it's gone. At least I hope it is. Along with my fever came strep throat...and canker sores all over my mouth. I can barely swallow, water even. This is the worst I've felt in a long time! I'm trying to be patient, but I'm not doing a very good job, I know. I got my prescription filled today so with real meds. hopefully I'll get over this bug by the end of the weekend, keep your fingers crossed:)