
Showing posts from June, 2010

Happy Fathers Day

Ok, so I only have a minute because I NEED to go to bed! Today in Church one of the speakers was of course speaking about her father. She told a story about how one day...she noticed a "poster" on one of the walls in her home. She didn't know how it got their, or how long it had been their...but the poster stated "Family comes First...if I forget Remind me! Doncha love that? I sure do! Happy Fathers day! Night!

the things I miss...

Image Richard got a new job and his hours are from 1:00pm-really late!(last nite he was home at midnight and 2nite he's still not home yet). It's seriously been TWO NITES...yet I miss him LIKE CRAZY! *I miss coming home from work and being greated with a kiss. *I miss cooking/cleaning in the kitchen together....stealing a kiss here and their *I miss sitting and hanging out cuddled on the couch together *I miss just sitting around talking about absolutely nothing-but that nothing made some great conversations *I miss being able to hold his hand *I miss just being with him Ok, of course there's much more that I miss, but I'm doing my best to keep busy! Let's just say that over these next few months my home is going to be spick and span! On a lighter note, I wanted to upload a few pics/videos from the last little while, while we've had Ione, Jenny and Anea with us: Here's a video of Anea wearing her curlers...getting ready for bed. Is she so not so adorabl