
Showing posts from February, 2009
Ok, so I know that it's only mid February, but let me tell you, I am SO ready for spring to come. I wish the weather would just make up it's mind. I mean don't get me wrong I loved our warm spell a few weeks ago, but the hard thing with that is when it get's super cold out again it hits you that much harder ya know? So I'd rather have it be one temperature and stay that way then have it all over the place. I was talking to Mary Ann(my best friend) last night on the phone, and we were just saying how excited we are to wear sandles...doesn't it sound lovely?? We sure think so, and the very idea of it is glorious!!

A little of this, a little of that

So, I uploaded a few pics. that I've taken recently. It's nothing exciting, but I thought I'd upload them anyway:) Here's a pic. of Richard...we had a pipe break and he was fixing it...and doing so very I posted some pics. a while back that had some log stacks, they're HUGE now, it's really neat. So I had to post this pic. and show off the hat that my sister Mellissa made me. I totally love it, she did a fantastic job!! Thanks Mellis:) Well, that's it for now. I told you it was nothing exciting. Richard has to speak in church tomorrow, so I'm going to try and help him wrap up his talk. This is the first time having to speak in church where it's not both of us's going to be nice.

The day of Love...

So sadly, I have nothing exciting to report. Our lives have been really busy lately and by the time we come home from work at the end of the day we're so tired, mentally and physically, that we just stay at home and relax. I know, that sounds incredibly boring, but didn't you know that that's who we are?! Lol. Anyhow...I'm excited for tomorrow...Valentines Day. We're trying to be sensible and so were not spending a lot of money on each other, we're trying to make it a more meaningful holiday this year. So we'll spend the day together, probably just cuddle on the couch watching movies and relaxing. That's one of the things I love about our relationship. We don't have to go "all out" to make it fun. Some of our favorite things to do is sit at home and relax, and just being together. To a lot of people that would be so boring, but to us it's great. I love that we can just be ourselves together. Richard is so wonderful and I lov


So Richard and I have lived in Grande Prairie, Ab for almost 6 months, and I think I've done really well so far with the whole homesick thing. But lately I have been having a hard time being so far away from my family. I really miss them all TONS, and it's been kind of hard. Hayley(my niece) calls me and will sit their and chat with me on the phone for over an hour and of course that makes me miss her TONS, well of course I miss ALL of my nieces and nephews. This posting I suppose is more of me complaining, but ah well right? We all do it!