The day of Love...

So sadly, I have nothing exciting to report. Our lives have been really busy lately and by the time we come home from work at the end of the day we're so tired, mentally and physically, that we just stay at home and relax. I know, that sounds incredibly boring, but didn't you know that that's who we are?! Lol. Anyhow...I'm excited for tomorrow...Valentines Day. We're trying to be sensible and so were not spending a lot of money on each other, we're trying to make it a more meaningful holiday this year. So we'll spend the day together, probably just cuddle on the couch watching movies and relaxing. That's one of the things I love about our relationship. We don't have to go "all out" to make it fun. Some of our favorite things to do is sit at home and relax, and just being together. To a lot of people that would be so boring, but to us it's great. I love that we can just be ourselves together. Richard is so wonderful and I love him so much! How lucky am I to have him?!!


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