I'm bad...and that's good????


Ok....so if you have not had the opportunity to watch Wreck it Ralph...you need to!!!!  It is now one of our favorite movies.  It has so much cute humor in it, plus a nice feel good story line.  

They have a "bad guys" group where they have meetings weekly to discuss their frustrations on being the bad guys.  They all say a chant(if that's what you call it??) which is:

"I'm Bad, and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be...than me".

I love that.  It says/means a lot in my opinion.  

Ralph is not bad...he's just the "bad guy" in his video game.  He's got a good heart and a good soul.  

So... you are probably wondering why I'm posting about this right?  

I have really been trying hard lately to not just assume someone is what I think they are just by looking at them...you know the whole don't judge a book by it's cover kind of thing. 

It's working!!!!!  A few posts ago I talked about a talk that was given when we went to church in California and how they discussed picturing people with their full potential.  I have to tell you....IT WORKS!!!!   Seriously you should try it, it's pretty cool.  I think that when we look at people for who they are and try to see the kind of person they could be they notice and I think they feel the good vibes.

For example I've seen a bunch of rough guys in different stores over the past few weeks.  What considers them to be rough?  Let's just say I wouldn't want to be walking down a street at the same time as them typically!!!!!  BUT....as I changed my attitude and thoughts they became just normal people with good hearts.  It was really cool, and it made me feel good.

Anyway...I just wanted to say that I think we need to do that more often.  Ever since Richard and I managed the apartments(which we haven't done for like 3 1/2 years)my attitude changed toward people.  I got into the habit of assuming the worst which I must say I'm not proud of.  But starting to make this one small change has really helped me to make some positive changes in my life.   

SOOOOO....their you go!

Last Sunday was one of my nephews Eastons baptism and it was so special.  The spirit was VERY strong....and it was just a great experience.  While my mom said the talk on "baptism"...Easton just sat their cuddled up to Mellissa(his mom) and cried...he was so full of the spirit and it was so neat.  I love this gospel and I am so thankful to know it, and have the opportunity to live it.  Here's a few pics of his baptism!  

Later ya'll....have a fabulous night/day.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the wonderful post Mindy! I too have been struggling with judging people before I get to know them. Especially at work. It's normal, we are only human. But I do think I should make more of an effort. Everyone deserves a chance. :) Congrats to Easton! He is pretty close in age to Hailey eh! Didn't she just have hers?
sunshinemomentz said…
Thanks Chrissy. I think it's super important...even though it can be really hard.

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