It was our Choice...

Happy Sabbath everyone!

Today has been an especially good day...miracles I guess do exist right??

I have really been struggling lately with my primary class.  I teach Sunbeams and today I had 7 children in my class(and not all of the children were even here!)

In the past weeks since starting my new class, I have left church feeling extremely discouraged, and defeated.  I have come home and literally cried and just felt very low. was better.  It was not perfect(not by a long shot), but to try to focus on the positive I felt so much better when the children left the class today.  This has a lot to do with me believing in miracles at this point!!

I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for helping me today, because I went to my class with very
HIGH anxiety and full of stress....but I'm so thankful to say that I left with complete opposite feelings.  

This "trial" for me has made me really think the past month or so.

A long time ago I heard a talk given in Sacrament Meeting, and the topic was trials.  Now, I do not know if the information given in the talk was 100% true, but I'd like to think that it was.

He gave a quote from a General Authority(I think he did anyway...)that stated that in our pre-earth life we chose the trials that we were going to have while on this earth.  I have to tell you something.....I LOVE THAT IDEA!  Isn't that just fabulous?  That gives me so much hope, and courage to think that I was the one to choose my trials.  Ok, so of course I don't think that every thing hard in my life I knew of, but a lot of the BIG trials I think that I chose.  I knew at that point what kind of potential we have as children of God, and with that being said we can accomplish ANYTHING if we have faith in God and Jesus Christ and remember where we came from.

I mean seriously, if God is God and trust me...He is...and we are his Children(which we are) then why CAN'T we get through ANYTHING that is put in front of us???  I know that it's not as easy as that when the trial is actually in front of us, but if we have that thought in mind, maybe the trial will be easier to overcome?  

This whole thought has made me truly feel so much better about my current calling, and other trials that I feel have previously felt too HUGE to overcome.  

Yes, my name is Melinda Roth...and I lived in Heaven before coming to this earth...and I am a daughter of God.  He knows me, and He knows of my greatness, and with that being said I can accomplish anything...and the same goes for YOU!!!!

Have a beautiful Sabbath!)


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