They're really listening...promise!

About 1 1/2 months ago...maybe even 2 months(sorry I don't remember) Richard and I were called to teach CTR 6&7 year olds in our ward.  For me, primary is my comfort zone...for the most part.  I love to teach children anywhere from 4-5 yrs old and up.  It's just something I feel for the most part confident and comfortable with.  Anyway...I have learned a lot in the short time that Richard and I have been teaching.

As some of you may know, usually with each primary lesson comes different stories to tell the children. When I read the stories, I like to speak in a very slow and quiet voice.  I find this helps the children focus better.  We were talking about the Holy Ghost.  I was telling them about a story of a young boy who over heard his parents talking about his older brother who was serving a mission in a foreign country.  There had been a huge earthquake in this city where his brother was serving, and his parents were very scared for their son.  When the this boy approached his father and told him that he was scared for his brother, his father told him that the Holy Ghost had comforted both himself and his wife to know that their missionary son was safe.  The father encouraged this boy to pray and to ask for confirmation for himself that his brother was safe.  He prayed and as he did the Holy Ghost comforted him, confirming that his brother was safe and sound. 1 week later they received a letter in the mail from their missionary stating he was safe.   As I read this story, all 5 of the children were quiet, eyes GLUED to me.  They were so extremely focused on what I was saying.  I got extremely choked up, and I nearly lost it.  The spirit in that primary room was so extremely strong.  I could feel it pulsing through me, from head to toe.  I had to swallow and tried to fight back the tears that formed in my eyes.

Children are some of the most precious gifts that our Heavenly Father has given to us.  Whether they are ours or not, we must remember they are listening.  We must be examples to them.  This is how they learn.  I love having the opportunity to teach these sweet children each week with Richard.  It's a true blessing.

That's all for now.  Just wanted to share that simple thought.


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