happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July everyone!

It is a bit bizarre to not be in Idaho right now.  We've gone to Idaho for the 4th for the past 3 years.  We sure wish we were in Idaho right now, enjoying the festivities.

We are going to Oregon at the end of next Month...so that is the main reason we didn't travel to Idaho this month.  What can you do right?  Maybe next year :)

What a crazy week.  I got sick 3 days ago...but I am feeling better now.  It hit me out of nowhere.  I kind of expected to get sick however, because the previous week Richard was really sick for about 4 days.  No fun.

Nothing really exciting has gone on over the last few days.  It's been a busy day, but definately productive.  Our awesome friends Dan and Amy Shaw gave us a shelf/desk unit and it is AWESOME!  I will take some pics when it's all finished up.  We are changing some of our bedroom stuff around...so now our biggest spare bedroom will be both my make-up/scrapbook/craft space...and then another weekend once we've been able to organize the rest of the room we'll set up a desk for Richard to work on some of his stuff.  It's going to be great.

Oh...we are going camping this Friday night at Police Lake.  It is Young Womens Camp in our ward this week and they need a couple priesthood leaders Friday night...so we're going with the Shaws.  Should be fun.  Then we're going to go camping Saturday here in Magrath with the Shaws too!


Well I will go now.  Sorry for the boring post.  Hopefully I will have some interesting or inspiring posts in the near future.



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