Mission Moments

Hi All,

I have been thinking all week on what I wanted to write about today....and I'm not gonna lie...I've been looking forward to this all week!

Leaving for the MTC was exciting...and so hard!  I remember that day almost perfectly.  I remember arriving at the MTC with my Dad, Mom, Miranda, and Con(Mellissa had to stay behind because she had to work).  They brought all of the new arriving missionaries into this big room.  We had some talks given and sang some songs and then it was time.  That time that everyone is dreading....saying goodbye.  My family was super close growing up.  I never was away from them for more than a night or two when I'd go to a friends house for a sleep over kinda thing.  It was really so incredibly hard saying bye.  I remember bawling like a baby, and walking around the corner to the next room, waving bye to my family.  Luckily we were super busy after that so it took my mind away from the events of the day.

The MTC experience was awesome.  The best memory I have from the MTC is when all of the missionaries in the MTC were gathered together in one room...singing Called to Serve.  It's hard to sing that song after being in the MTC.  Everyone was so full of excitement and enthusiasm.  My companion in the MTC was Sister Escue.  She was awesome.  I grew to love her so much!!!

Our MTC district

Sister Hiskey, Sister Escue, Sister Bowden, and Me

After the MTC, all of the missionaries going to the Pocatello Idaho Mission flew out together.  We arrived at the airport, met by our Mission Presidents, President and Sister Johnson.  We got to spend the first night at the mission home.  We had supper with them, and some of the other missionaries in the area.  They taught us dinner etiquette amongst other things...like how to make a bed properly..haha(I'm not kidding, lol:)
President Johnson, Me, Sister Johnson

My first area was Idaho Falls, near the Temple.  I know all things are for reason, but I have to tell you that was the hardest area for me out of my entire mission.  My first companion and trainer was not the most warmest of persons.  Nothing against her, we just didn't mesh.  It was hot, and I was tired, and homesick.  Somehow, I hurt my foot during the first week, and I tell ya that was miserable.  Homesick, in pain, and I felt defeated.  My first Sunday out in the mission field was HARD!  We ended up attending a mission farewell for a girl who was about to go out on her mission.  After we got home for the night, I cracked.  I was a total mess.  Many of you may not know this, but that night I was done with it all.  I wanted to go home.  I called the Mission President and told him this just wasn't for me.  I was lonely, and totally out of my element.  I called my family and sobbed on the phone to them.

I just wanted to go home.

They called one of my best friends Mary Ann on 3 way call.  They wanted me to speak to her, hoping she could talk me into staying.

It worked.

Shortly after all of this happened, I was transferred to a new area.  Yes, only 1 week out in the mission field, and I was into my second area.  This new area had a vehicle, so we were not as limited because of my foot.  I was transferred to Sugar City, a small town outside of Rexburg.


I now not only had 1 new companion but 2.  Sister Lewis...my new trainer.  And......
SISTER ESCUE!!!!  How awesome is that right?  I truly grew to love the people of Sugar City.  I cannot tell you all that I learned from serving with Sister Lewis and Sister Escue.  We had so much fun...teaching the wonderful people of this awesome town.

The members in Sugar City were so welcoming and loving.  They always were thinking of us.  We always had a dinner appointment each and every night.  We had members that would have a "missionary cupboard" in their home so when we would come over to their house we could " stock up ".  We had this one family...the Sharps.  We had so much fun with them.  Whenever we would pop by to say hi to them, Sister Sharp would always give us some empty grocery bags, ask us what we needed for food and stock us up.  She never questioned it, she just did.  She's such an amazing person.

Then there were the Orr's, Scott and Vicki.  They were like second parents to me in Sugar City.  Scott was not a member of the church and Vicki was.  We had countless meals and lessons at their home.  My first "heart attack" was with the Orrs....and no it wasn't an actual heart attack.  What you do is cut out a bunch of hearts from colored paper, and then stick them all over the persons house and leave.  Do not let them know that you were there.  It was great.

Then both Sister Escue and Sister Lewis were transferred and Sister Porter and Dericott arrived in Sugar City.  Sister Porter was Sister Dericott's trainer.  They were great sisters, but we didn't click at least that's how I felt.   To be honest, I felt like an outsider.  I know that all experiences are for a purpose, but it was hard.  It's nothing against these Sisters, but sometimes you click and sometimes you don't.  When transfers came around, I prayed and prayed to be transferred because things were just so hard.  I didn't want to leave the area, as I said I loved Sugar City so much...but it was time to go.

Sugar City has a high population of members of the church.  We did teach member lessons, but the opportunity to teach members of another faith was a bit slimmer.  We did teach a girl name Sunny.  She was 9 years old and a total sweet heart.  She was baptized shortly into me serving in Sugar City.  What an amazing there really are no words to describe experience that was!

Looking back, I know that I was meant to hurt my foot in Idaho Falls.  I know that I was meant to serve in Sugar City, and I know that there was a reason for the different trials I went through.

Serving a mission has impacted my entire life.  Literally.  I am thankful for good family and good friends who stuck by me, and encouraged me to complete this goal and desire of mine to serve the Lord.
Sister Lewis, me, Sister Escue
Sister Lewis, Me, and Sister Escue doing some service for a member...picking some berries.

Sister Escue, Me, Sister Lewis
Moi...having some fun at a members house

Scott and Vicki Orr, and Moi
Sister Escue having some fun



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