Mission Moments

 I want to update our blog regularly, but often feel like I have nothing to write about.  Throughout the LDS church right now all over the world, we are being encouraged to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Of course that is something we've always been encouraged to do, but it's just being stressed more right now.....So I've been trying to think of things I can do to focus more on the spiritual aspect of things.  So this morning as I was getting ready for church, I had an idea( I know, scary thought right?).  I've decided I want to write a blog post each Sunday and name it " Missionary Moments ". I want to share some of the experiences I had on my mission.  Fun memories, and also some spiritual memories.  I'll do what I can until I run out of things to say.

I guess since a mission starts with why someone wants to go a mission to begin with, I'll start there.

I've always loved missionary work.  I love sharing with others how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has helped me.  However...there's just one issue.  And it's kind of a big deal.  Speaking to people was never one of my strong points.  I'm not a very outgoing person.  As odd as this sounds to make up for what I wasn't confident in in real life, I would lay in bed at night and picture myself as a missionary.  I know how weird it sounds, but it's the truth.  The more I would lay in bed thinking about it, the more excited I became...and the more I actually believed it was something I could do.  So...I prayed...and prayed and prayed!  I wanted to know if this was the right thing for me.  And obviously you know the answer to those many prayers ;)

After I made this decision and sent off the papers, my life became let's just say....interesting.  The time I waited for my mission call became some of the most anticipated and difficult times in my life.  I know that serving a mission was what I needed to do, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that I should go.  About 2 weeks or so after I sent off the paperwork I started to really struggle.  I would go to bed at night, feeling scared.  It's really hard to explain...but it was as if I wasn't alone in my bedroom.  I felt like there was something that was tempting me and trying to get me to change my decision.  I would lay in bed, and my back would feel all prickly.  It was such an intense feeling, that I asked my Bishop for a blessing of comfort.  I also began to sleep on the floor in my parents bedroom.  Yes...I was 21 but I could not shake this feeling.  As soon as I received my mission call the feeling was gone and has never again returned.  Not that I would ever ask for this experience, it did act as a confirmation that I was doing the right thing.

The day I received my mission call was awesome.  I was at work, and my parents received the call in the mail.  They came to work and we opened up my letter and read it in the car.  It was quite a shock...."you have been called to the Idaho Pocatello Mission"....it seemed so.....boring awesome! lol

I know that I was meant to serve in the Idaho Pocatello Mission...for more reasons than one.

Well that's all for tonight.  I am excited to share some of my experiences with you all.  My mission was quite a journey and I'm excited to reminisce with you!!)



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