
Showing posts from November, 2009

Remembering my greatest gift...

Tonight as I was tidying up our home, my mind started to race...about things of the past. This came about from earlier this evening. It all starts off because Richard was asked to give a talk tomorrow, and the topic of his talk is Service. After hearing what he said he was going to speak about, he told me how he was going to end his talk. The greatest service that he was thankful for is me..."serving" a Mission. That is why my mind started "racing". It's the little things like that that help to remind me of my greatest gifts. It reminds me of how lucky I am, which leads to I guess you could say a path down memory lane. Richard and I first met on an evening that I was team teaching with his Step-Mom Jerelyn Roth. We wen't to her home that night to get some medicine, and Richard happened to be their. As far as I'm concerned, that was the first night of the rest of my life. We've been through so many trials and hardships, mainly due to the fac...

My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures...

Today at work, one of my co-workers asked me a question about something in 1st Nephi. I didn't quite know the answer, so tonight I anxiously searched the scriptures for one. While doing this, I got distracted by all of the notes that I have made in my scriptures. All of the different words that were marked with different colors. I started flipping through my Book of mormon, faster and faster. Until I felt this overwhelming feeling of the Spirit. It wasn't the normal feeling that I can when I read my scriptures, or when I hear something warm and fuzzy. It was this enormous high, a feeling like I used to get when I was on my Mission. I literally had to stop reading, searching and pondering the scriptutres and just breathe. I cannot believe how amazing it felt, and it brought back a flood of memories. Never in my life(I regret to say), have I ever felt such a passion about the scriptures than when I was on my Mission. Of course I know why this is, but it was such an ous...

Starting to settle in...

So, things are finally starting to come together. If you know me well, you know that I've already put up our Christmas tree/Christmas decorations. It's a Cole family tradition. Anyhow, this is our first Christmas in our own home and I have to tell you that it is GLORIOUS!!! I know that it sounds silly, but it's so nice to be able to do exactly what we want. We have been truly blessed, especially the last 2 months. Work is going well. I'm working at Truehope and LOVING it! It's great. I love the satisfaction of helping other people. Miranda is engaged, and getting married Dec.11, so that's awesome. I'm so excited for her. Adam is her fiance's name and he's great. He will be a wonderful addition to our family. Anyhow, I'm going to jet. I know I haven't posted much, and it's been a few months. But I'll try to get better at it. Here's a few recent pics. of our home...