
Showing posts from January, 2011

happy birthday to my man...

Happy Birthday Richard! Wow...THE BIG 29 lol! We are now the same age for SIX MONTHS! So as I sit here, on the couch with the streamers/balloons up, pancakes and bacon cooked(Richards favorite b-day breakfast), while Richard is still snoring away I can't help but think of how grateful I am for today. BECAUSE OF TODAY.... * We were able to meet on my Mission * We have been been "together" for 8 years * We have been married for 7 1/2 years * my life is compelte * our "someday" children will have the BESTEST FATHER EVER! * my life has been changed forever!! I love Richard, so much that it's nutso ...LOVELY! There have been so many GREAT THINGS happening right now in our lives, and I'm so excited for 2011 because I get to spend another year with Richard! Happy Birthday You!

simple things amuse small minds?

Ok, so as we sit and try to relax before heading to bed, Richard and I watch our cat Bella, playing with her favorite toy....A BOTTLE CAP! She goes nutso when she sees us opening up a water bottle...or anything that has some kind of lid. I wish that I could be entertained on something as simple as a bottle cap!

a little CRAZY??? maybe so!

So a few minor things have gone on over the last week. First off, after working out our budget, we've been able to set plans to travel down to Idaho in August. It's not as soon as we had wanted, but it's the soonest time that we can go down due to finances. We're SO EXCITED to go's been WAY too long!) We plan on going down in the middle of the month. We have a lot that we have to accomplish by then, but we're super excited. We hope to spend a lot of quality time with friends and family. SO...I have to say that I am REALLY EXCITED for next Christmas. YES...I am fully aware that it is pretty much ONE YEAR away but Jenny...Anea and Ione are going to be here....YEAH. It's going to be a blast. We're already planning it out. We're excited to be able to spend Christmas this year with them. Ok, so it's been a little over a week since we've started our new life style, and I have to say I'm totally proud of us. We've been e...

Excited for a new year

So for Richard and I, this year feels like we're just starting our lives, in so many ways. Now that his Canadian paperwork is done, we don't feel like we're having this huge thing hanging over us, and limiting us on what we can and cannot do with our lives. We've set a lot of goals for this year and I'm REALLY excited to start accomplishing them. Some of the goals that I've set for myself are: *Practicing Piano EVERY day for 30 minutes *Be able to play every song in the Church Hymn Book by the end of the year *Work out Daily *Write in my journal Daily Of course I have more, but those are some of the ones that are less personal to share. I really feel that this is going to be our year. That it's the start of something GREAT! So, with an excited attitude I'm really going to give it my all, because as they say " you get out of life what you put into it"