a little CRAZY??? maybe so!

So a few minor things have gone on over the last week. First off, after working out our budget, we've been able to set plans to travel down to Idaho in August. It's not as soon as we had wanted, but it's the soonest time that we can go down due to finances. We're SO EXCITED to go back...it's been WAY too long!) We plan on going down in the middle of the month. We have a lot that we have to accomplish by then, but we're super excited. We hope to spend a lot of quality time with friends and family.

SO...I have to say that I am REALLY EXCITED for next Christmas. YES...I am fully aware that it is pretty much ONE YEAR away but Jenny...Anea and Ione are going to be here....YEAH. It's going to be a blast. We're already planning it out. We're excited to be able to spend Christmas this year with them.

Ok, so it's been a little over a week since we've started our new life style, and I have to say I'm totally proud of us. We've been eating salads for lunch every day, we're having a lot of veggies EVERY night for supper, and having 2 healthy snacks during the day. It was a bit hard last week because of course we were HUNGRY, but I'm not feeling as hungry this week. I can feel a difference already in my body and I know that I've lost weight, and Richard feels the same way. I didn't weigh myself prior...because I don't want to FOCUS on the "number", I want to focus on getting HEALTHY. That's the goal, and we're sticking to it!

Richard and I LOVE to watch the Biggest Loser and 3 seasons ago we found our favorite contestant. Now, he had more weight to loose of course than Richard and I but he inspires us, so here's to Michael...we want to get healthy, just like he has.

Cheers everyone, and have a GREAT NITE!!


Amy Savage said…
You go girl! I'm trying to get healthier too. The amount of sugar I eat is outrageous! We watch biggest loser too...faithfully. We love to make the turkey chili they always talk about and the sweet potato fries. Hop on over the the 24-hour fitness website for the recipes. Yum-E!

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