
Showing posts from February, 2013

I'm bad...and that's good????

Image if you have not had the opportunity to watch Wreck it need to!!!!  It is now one of our favorite movies.  It has so much cute humor in it, plus a nice feel good story line.   They have a "bad guys" group where they have meetings weekly to discuss their frustrations on being the bad guys.  They all say a chant(if that's what you call it??) which is: "I'm Bad, and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad, there's no one I'd rather be...than me". I love that.  It says/means a lot in my opinion.   Ralph is not bad...he's just the "bad guy" in his video game.  He's got a good heart and a good soul.   So... you are probably wondering why I'm posting about this right?   I have really been trying hard lately to not just assume someone is what I think they are just by looking at know the whole don't judge a book by it's cover kind of thing.  It's working

It was our Choice...

Happy Sabbath everyone! Today has been an especially good day...miracles I guess do exist right?? I have really been struggling lately with my primary class.  I teach Sunbeams and today I had 7 children in my class(and not all of the children were even here!) In the past weeks since starting my new class, I have left church feeling extremely discouraged, and defeated.  I have come home and literally cried and just felt very low. was better.  It was not perfect(not by a long shot), but to try to focus on the positive I felt so much better when the children left the class today.  This has a lot to do with me believing in miracles at this point!! I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for helping me today, because I went to my class with very HIGH anxiety and full of stress....but I'm so thankful to say that I left with complete opposite feelings.   This "trial" for me has made me really think the past month or so. A long time ago I heard a talk

Would ya look at that...!

Ok, so this is just a quick post...that no one but myself may really care about.   So since we've been back from California, life has been SO BUSY and in the midst of everything I now have the flu.  YUCK!  It's no fun I will tell you that, and I'll spare you of all the gory details, haha.  I decided not to go to church today because I felt so miserable, but feel like I'm going stir crazy in the house, so I made a breakfast quiche. I made the crust from scratch and it actually tasted REALLY good (if I do say so myself :)   I wanted to upload some pics of it...just because I'm proud of myself.  This may not be a big deal to many people, but I feel like for me to make something like this...and have it taste good is definitely an accomplishment!   Bon appetite!)                   The homemade crust...oooh I know it's not too pretty but it tasted mighty fine!)