Last Sunday I was called to be a primary teacher. I actually really enjoy teaching the primary, so it was exciting for me. I really believe that all things happen for a reason, being little or small. As I prepared the lesson for today, well let's just say it taught me more than I probably did the children. The lesson was on forgiving others. This is something I've been kind of struggling with lately. Of course I have a desire to forgive, but I just can't seem to let the hard and hurt feelings go. But as I taught my primary class about how the Savior forgave the soldiers that took him from the Garden of Gethsemane, and he forgave those who nailed him to the cross, I too can forgive. Of course my burdens are much smaller than my Saviors. I'm just very thankful to have a Savior who loves me, and who is aware of my needs. This was really a lesson that I needed to hear. I found a really nice quote from President Hickley that pretty much sums it all up. "Somehow forgiveness, with love and tolerance, accomplishes miracles that can happen in no other way."