A fun night...

Well tonight was great! I'm very thankful to the members of our ward for making tonight special and fun. First off we went to a little party at one of the members in our ward. One thing about Grande Prairie(the city we live in) there are a lot of people that live here that aren't from here, so they don't have family around for the Holidays. We started off having some treats that everyone brought, then everyones children dressed up and acted out the nativity story. Then all of the adults played some games, which was great. We sung some Christmas carols afterwards and then left. We then brought all of the gifts we bought for our secret santa family. I really hope that they'll all enjoy what we bought them. It was fun to see Richard deliver the box full of gifts onto their doorstep, and then run back to our car. We had to duck to get out of sight...lol it was fun. We then got to talk to Richards siblings and their spouses and Richards mom on her web cam. I have to say that I think that web cams are TOTALLY WICKED!!! It was great seing everyone one, we love and miss theM soooooo much. Then we ran a few last minute errands and that's that. Overall as excited as we are to wake up in the morning to open up our gifts and stuff, we know that the real gift is the birth of our Savior. I really do feel blessed to know of Him. MERRY CHRISTMAS :)


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