A bummer weekend-not so much...

OK...so my mom and I get to work Friday and all is good. About 3 hours into work, we get a freak snow storm, and end up having to leave early. Sure, it's always nice to get home and get things done with time that you weren't expecting to have...BUT we had plans Friday night and we were so excited for them! Nothing super exciting to most I suppose, but we were going to finish our Christmas shopping. I love picking up presents and wrapping them under our Christmas Tree. It's so homey and cozy looking. Anyhow...so that night was shot. We hoped to go into Lethbridge on Saturday, but the storm just kept getting worse.

It snowed, and snowed and SNOWED!! The wind was super bad which doesn't help the situation AT ALL! Don't I sound like such a downer?? Of COURSE I do, I can admit it. The thing is, what turned out to be such a "bummer" weekend, wasn't that at all.

We ended up cleaning out or office...which was long over due. We got the house cleaned, laundry done, lunch made, practiced our music lessons(Richard-Guitar and me-Violin-other things long over do), and all this by noon. We got to hang around the house and relax. I also made a bunch of cards, which is something that I LOVE to do, but never take time to do them anymore. Then we finished the day off going to Mir's and Adams and played cards and had fun. It was so wonderbar!

Then, we got a call last night stating that Church was canceled today because of the weather. They felt that the road conditions were too dangerous for people to be travelling to church. It was such lovely day, baking and listening to Christmas Carols. I LOVE Christmas time. I really wish I could keep the tree up all year round. If there was anyway I could do this, trust me I would!

Now that the weekend is over, I must say that I'm so glad that we got snowed in, and were forced to have a great weekend, lol. It was so fabulous!!!


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