Magrath Days...

Well, as usual I've waited a long time to post something. Nothing really new or exciting has gone on, so I use that as an excuse I suppose. OF COURSE it's not a good excuse, but I use it as one none the less.

Yest., was Magrath Days, and it was super fun! The parade was great. We sat with my parents and the Towells. After that, we had a nice lunch at my parents house, where everyone in the fam. was their.

I was able to participate in something really fun in the afternoon. Back in November, 2008 our young womens class did a time capsule where we wrote letters to ourselves. Our teach at that time, also made a video of us during one of our activities. I must say, I was SUCH A DORK! But if that's the worst thing I can say, then I'm doing pretty good right?! Anyway, it was fun to read the words that I hoped for myself. Unfortunately, I didn't say much. But there were a few things that I did say, like : always treat others kindly, always love my family and stay close to them, and also to remember my best friends Mary Ann and Chrissy! I ended the letter off to myself by saying " Do you have a towell, because I need to stick my head in the sink"!

WOW...if you know me well, you'd be laughing right now!

Then last night, we sat together as a family and watched the evening program. It was GREAT! I couldn't believe how long it lasted. We had some amazing talent. The program ended with Martin Kerr, who was on Canadian Idol-he was AWESOME, and then we had some fire dancers perform. After that, we watched the crackling, as Maddy called them(fireworks). It was really long day, but it was SO MUCH FUN!

While I sat at the evening program, I looked around me, at all of the dozens of families and thought to myself, how blessed I am. I love Magrath, and I'm so thankful that I live here. What other town has a celebration like this? Ok, yes I'm sure there are other places that celebrate their towns birthday, but SERIOUSLY! I love it here.

Anyways, I need to go to bed. I'm really tired. I love going to be on a Sunday night, feeling good about the weekend, and tonight, I can surely do that!

Night all!!

Melinda and Emma Purnell...she was so adorable! I was walking by her at Magrath Days and she yells " SISTER ROTH, SISTHER ROTH". Before I know it, she is wrapped around my body giving me a giant hug! She is so cute, I love her!! P.S. I used to be her primary teacher in Grande Prairie

Night All!


Amy Savage said…
Yea for Magrath Days! I'm so glad you love it there cuz I'm grateful for the day your family moved there! It was sure fun to look back on those young women days. We were dorks...singing Barbie girl and everything! Good times.
Anonymous said…
Hey Mindy,
I am really happy for you that you get to now teach young womens occasionally. I always had such a great time with you at Young Womens! With the time capsule thing it makes me sad that ours never survived...maybe we should do another one???

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