
Showing posts from February, 2011

You need to oil that thing!!!

The above pictures if of my niece...Ryan! She is such a hoot. She has the most sickest sense of humor, it's just great! A few weekends ago as she was walking out of my house and down the porch stairs...she stops...turns around and looks back at me and says " you need to oil that thing" That "thing" she's refering to is our screen door...because it has a tendancy to stick! That makes me laugh EVERY TIME I read it! "you need to oil that thing"-I asked Miranda(her mom/my sis) how she would know that and Mir says she has NO IDEA! I guess she's just that smart!

It's like...WOW!

WOW...what a busy few weeks! We're in the process of buying our first home, so it's been really crazy busy for us. It seems like we've been livin' at the bank with how many times we've had to run back and forth...not to mention all of the other craziness that comes a long with it! But, tomorrow should be the final day! We're signing everything off, and should get everything finalized, so we're really EXCITED !!! We were able to get a little bit of extra $$$$ , so we're paying off all of our debt, and then we'll have a little bit left afterwards to start doing reno's on our place. It's going to be FANTASTIC! Here are some of the things we're going to do in our house... *tear out the walls and put up new sheet rock *put in new flooring - some of the house will have tile and the other part of it will have hardwood floors *putting in new kitchen/bathroom cabinets *new kitchen/bathroom countertops *new "tap it"

Our fantastic " Love Day "

So this year Valentines Day was my responsibility. Richard and I try to take turns-one of us does Valentines Day and the other plans our Anniversary. Anyhow, I had a lot of fun planning Valentines day this year. It was super fun. I got most of my ideas from a new website that I'm TOTALLY LOVIN'!( So I started the nite off with a fun scavenger hunt! Each envelope that he opened, there was something that we had to do before he could read his next's a few pics... We had to paint a portrait of something that we love about eachother...Richard painted my Makeup on his, and I painted that I love his lips and his eyes! We had to feed eachother Chocolate Dipped Strawberries.... We had to dance to "our song" ...for the entire song... The last clue lead to a bubble bath for Richard to relax in while I finished getting our supper ready!) Here's our Yummy Supper...a yummy pear salad with a fabulous( if I do say so myself ) pasta I made. After

You are my friends forever!

So today's post really is about MY brother...Con. The above video is a clip from an American Idol episode a few years ago...and this guy sings about "brothers". Although it really has nothing to do with my brother, I think it's fun! Last night he had a gig at an event in Lethbridge, where his band played two different segments. The name of their band is called the clapping Monkey's. My brother is the lead guitarist. I must tell you, that that boy has some talent! I mean, to put it that way wouldn't even come close to how talented he really is. As I watched the band play, of course I mainly focused on Con. He is so talented! I mean, his fingers moved SO FAST! The songs that he wrote are beautiful, all very unique and nothing alike. I just sat their, almost in tears as I watched, feeling so proud to be his sister. I've always known that he was GOOD but it was really neat last night to see him in his glory. Love u Conny.... YOU ROCK!!!!!

but I don't wanna...

How often do you use that excuse? Maybe you don't say it out loud...but seriously how often do you think it? Come on....YOU KNOW YOU SAY/THINK IT! I can plead guilty to that one! I think it, ALL of the time! I tell ya, it's kinda pathetic. I get home from work on a good night between 6:30-7:00 and so that leaves me 2 1/2 hours before we start to get ready for bed. (going to bed between 9:30-10:00 is another story). So by the time we have supper and clean up it's like 8:00 some nights...that leaves me 1 1/2 hours...I said 1 1/2 hours! That's not a lot of what do I do with this time???? Let's just say it's not what I should be doing with it. I should be getting more done around the house, more cards made, more cleaning, more practicing the piano and the list goes on and on and on! So I'm going to start saying (or thinking) the oposite and try to get more accomplished. I feel like on a night where I just sit around watching tv (which is wha