but I don't wanna...

How often do you use that excuse? Maybe you don't say it out loud...but seriously how often do you think it? Come on....YOU KNOW YOU SAY/THINK IT!

I can plead guilty to that one! I think it, ALL of the time! I tell ya, it's kinda pathetic. I get home from work on a good night between 6:30-7:00 and so that leaves me 2 1/2 hours before we start to get ready for bed. (going to bed between 9:30-10:00 is another story). So by the time we have supper and clean up it's like 8:00 some nights...that leaves me 1 1/2 hours...I said 1 1/2 hours! That's not a lot of time...so what do I do with this time???? Let's just say it's not what I should be doing with it. I should be getting more done around the house, more cards made, more cleaning, more practicing the piano and the list goes on and on and on!

So I'm going to start saying(or thinking)
the oposite and try to get more accomplished. I feel like on a night where I just sit around watching tv(which is what I do love to do), I go to bed feeling Blah because I haven't accomplished anything.

So, I'm going to go make a few cards before going to bed, and try to change things. Keeping fingers crossed


Anonymous said…
Well, I look at it like this. I work hard everyday. And if the hours in a day don't leave much "me" time I don't think it's an excuse. You have to take the time to relax at some point during the day and take time for yourself. It's very important. Even if it's only a half hour. I don't think it's being lazy or procrastinating at all. Especially if you feel like the things you need to accomplish feels like work!

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