You are my friends forever!

So today's post really is about MY brother...Con. The above video is a clip from an American Idol episode a few years ago...and this guy sings about "brothers". Although it really has nothing to do with my brother, I think it's fun!

Last night he had a gig at an event in Lethbridge, where his band played two different segments. The name of their band is called the clapping Monkey's. My brother is the lead guitarist. I must tell you, that that boy has some talent! I mean, to put it that way wouldn't even come close to how talented he really is. As I watched the band play, of course I mainly focused on Con. He is so talented! I mean, his fingers moved SO FAST! The songs that he wrote are beautiful, all very unique and nothing alike.

I just sat their, almost in tears as I watched, feeling so proud to be his sister. I've always known that he was GOOD but it was really neat last night to see him in his glory.

Love u Conny.... YOU ROCK!!!!!


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