Thirty, flirty & thriving!!! we are June 12, 2011! I totally bypassed May all together!!! May was a really crazy busy month, so I have an excuse...promise!!

On May 18th, we received a call from Jenny...Richards Sister. She was the first one to tell us that Richards brother Matt, has been hospitalized. He wasn't breathing on his own, and he was hooked up to life support and was in a coma , and the entire family didn't think he was going to make it....WOW! That was a shocker! You're never ready to receive that kind of news. So we dropped everything and drove down to Idaho.

It was really touch and go for a while, not knowing what direction Matts recovery was taking, but with weeks into everything, miraculously he's awake now, still in much pain, but he's awake! He's breathing on his own, and everyone can now stop worrying about "what might happen". He's going to make it!!!!

It's unfortunate that Richard and I's first time going back to Idaho together since we moved back up here was for such awful circumstances, but I must say I'm so thankful we were able to go. It was so wonderful being able to spend time with the family. Being back in Idaho just brought back so many wonderful memories, I truly love Idaho.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, that if I was able to move my family down to Idaho, I'd do it in a heart beat. I love the city, the people and the feeling that being their brings. But, that's not logical, and so I just try to enjoy the visits that we are blessed with.

Richard and I are doing well. Summer seems to be poking it's head out of the corner. It's been really rainy here, but for the last 3-4 days, it's been really nice out. We purchased a fun gazebo (I'll take some pics) so that we can enjoy being outside this summer, without worrying about being eaten alive by all of the nasty mosquitoes! We'll fancy it up as we have the $$$$ to do so! We can't forget about our reno's in the house as well, because things have sorta been put on hold for now.

In order to continue with our reno's on the inside, we need to buy our hardwood floors for the living room, and we don't have the $$$ to do this. But it's all good, we'll try to use it as an excuse to focus on some other things in our lives, and it gives us a break!

Well, I suppose I should go now! Oh...I am now 30....suck!!!! Ok, so it's really not as bad as I thought it would be, but I don't like the idea of being 30...or in my 30's. I feel old, lol! j/k. I'm really not THAT MUCH of a drama queen(even though Richard may highly disagree!!). I remember the line from the movie" 13 going on 30"..."thirty, flirty & thriving...I'll try to focus on that aspect of now being in my 30's...:)

Ok, later sk8er!!!


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