's been a very fun and exhausting few days.  I feel totally exhausted, but have had so much fun.

Richard and some other co-workers are at a google conference here in Oakland, CA and I was able to come along to be with Richard....SA-WEET!!! 

We spent this past Friday night in Great Falls, MT, and then flew out to California on Saturday morning.  We've had a lot of fun so far.  After we checked into the hotel,we traveled to the BART(train) which took us to San Francisco.  I must admit taking the BART was a bit freaky at times because of the high crime rates here but we survived it...and I can now say that I've been on a train! lol

We went to Pier 39 and I got a beautiful pearl from an Oyster and I am going to attach it to a chain for a necklace, we also took a ride on a bike carriage.  I'm not really sure what the real name for it is, but Richard and I shared a seat and a man riding a bike pulled us.  It was actually a lot of fun! 

We also went to this 7d zombie ride...where it we basically had to shoot zombies and see who scored highest.  I seriously felt like I lost my voice afterwords because I was screaming SO MUCH! 

Oh...and I must say this place has the yummiest foods.  As much as I would love all of the different options back home, it's probably a good thing we don't, because if we do we would always be broke and gain 10pounds/meal! haha

Sunday was great. We attended Sacrament meeting at the chapel right beside the Oakland Temple.  It was fantastic.  I really enjoyed the talks.  The message that I have taken from the meeting is to not judge people on what/who they are now, but what they can become.  Everyone has great potential, as we are all children of God.  One story that one of the ladies read was about the success of a Missionary teaching people as he was tracting(going from door to door sharing the gospel).  Someone asked him how he has had so much success and his answer was(and remember I am not literally quoting the story), he would stand their and as he would bear his testimony he would picture the individual in their Sunday best and the spirit would radiate off of them-he would picture them at their full potential.  I loved that thought, and I am really going to try applying this into my life.  I don't want to look at people and just think that this is all they will ever be, but what they can become.  Love it!  Walking around the Temple grounds afterwards was amazing.  The spirit was so strong. 

We spend the rest of Sunday driving around San Francisco and it was a blast.  We found the "Full House House" and that was cool, and I loved driving over the Golden Gate Bridge and taking pictures.  The scenery was stunning.

We went to the coolest restaurant last night, where the plates that we were served looked like something you would see on a tv show.  It was presented like a masterpiece.

Tonight after Richard and everyone else is done at the conference, we are going to drive back into San Francisco and go back to Pier 39.  We are going to ride the trolley and do some last minute shopping.  We have to be at the airport tomorrow at 4am...  It has been such an amazing trip.  This is the first time Richard and I have gone anywhere together....literally.  Ok, so we've traveled to Idaho, lol but that's it!(nothing against Idaho btw...I love Idaho!!!).    This trip as really motivated me to get our website ready because I want to be able to travel the world more and to experience the different cultures around the world. 

We'll be sad to leave...but happy to be home and to see our cats!  yes...I miss them!!!!(and of course my family!)


Here's some pics of our trip so far...

Full House House...sweet!!)



Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing the photos! Looks like you both had a great time!
sunshinemomentz said…
thanks Chrissy...we did. I wish we could go back! lol
Anonymous said…
If you do, take me with you. I so need a vacation after this week!

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