To do..or to procrastinate...that tis the question.

Happy Saturday everyone! It has been a VERY busy weekend so far, but very fulfilling as well. Before I get into that, let me back up a little. Richard and I have been making super delicious and healthy smoothies with our Vitamix, almost every morning for breakfast. The mornings that we don't have one, is because we got out of bed too late and we were in a mad rush to get to work. I HATE days that are like this! I hate being rushed, and I hate getting out of bed in the morning too. BUT...the logical part of me has taken over, and has reminded me, that I cannot have it both ways. Maybe in a perfect world, but this certainly isn't a perfect world. So, I sat myself down this past week, trying to figure out different ways to be more productive with my time, and still accomplish the things I want to set out for. So...that leads us up to today. Every morning like I said earlier, we make a healthy smoothie, that usually...