
Showing posts from May, 2014

To do..or to procrastinate...that tis the question.

Happy Saturday everyone! It has been a VERY busy weekend so far, but very fulfilling as well.  Before I get into that, let me back up a little. Richard and I have been making super delicious and healthy smoothies with our Vitamix, almost every morning for breakfast.  The mornings that we don't have one, is because we got out of bed too late and we were in a mad rush to get to work.  I HATE days that are like this!   I hate being rushed, and I hate getting out of bed in the morning too.  BUT...the logical part of me has taken over, and has reminded me, that I cannot have it both ways.  Maybe in a perfect world, but this certainly isn't a perfect world.  So, I sat myself down this past week, trying to figure out different ways to be more productive with my time, and still accomplish the things I want to set out for.   So...that leads us up to today.  Every morning like I said earlier, we make a healthy smoothie, that usually consists of :  -Chard -Kale

Hi, my name is Melinda, and I'm a book-a-holic.

Do you like to read?  Do I, you may ask??? YES, why yes I do.  Besides music, reading is an escape for me.  I can put any stress I have to the side when I'm reading because that's all that matters. This past weekend we went camping...and it was pretty glorious!  We ran some errands, here and there. Watched some movies(yes, I know we're such traditional campers, lol) and relaxed. The one thing that I enjoyed the most was reading.  Having our trailer windows open, letting in a nice refreshing breeze, while cozied up on the couch... it's like my piece of Heaven.   I just started reading a series, that I've read before...again. The author is Anita Stansfield...and I must say I LOVE  her books.  She is an LDS author, and that's one of the reasons I enjoy her books.  What I mean by that is SHE'S CLEAN.  I can enjoy some romance, adventure and humor without being worried that I will read something that makes me uncomfortable.  She is not preachy abou

Mother" of Pearl

Many of you that know me well know that I use the phrase "mother of pearl" ALL of the time.  I have for years.  For instance, if I stub my toe or get irritated with something that's my phrase.  It's a random phrase I know.  I like it because I'm kind of random too, lol.  I like that it's something that I can say in a frustrating time that isn't negative.  Do you know what "mother of pearl means".   The  mother of pearl  is a natural gem that is found in the shells of molluscs.  Did you catch that??  Mother of pearl is a natural Gem...I kinda like that.  I looked that one up today!!! ANYWAY...before you leave our blog thinking I'm some whack job that wants to talk about gems and rocks and such, that's not the "moral of the story", but I'm getting to it.   Today is Mothers day as most of us know.   To me my mother IS a gem.   To me she has been a lifesaver that has been thrown to me during many times I was lost at sea.

Five Seconds. a very tricky thing isn't it? I have thought about what to post about this week and every time I thought about it I had no clue what to write about.  The only thought that was consistent was talking about forgiveness.  I put it aside and tried to think of something more fun...and interesting.  But low and behold the thought would not leave my brain so I decided to stop being so stubborn and just do what I feel I should.   I need to start off by saying I am in NO WAY trying to preach or judge.  I am just sharing some personal thoughts on the subject that I think are important to me, and may be important to some of you. I think in life it can be so incredibly easy to offend or hurt someone.  To make them angry or to respond to something without thinking twice about whether or not our actions may have a negative effect.   It can be soooo easy sometimes...(easier than I would like to admit)to WANT to tick someone off.  We're mad at someone else beca