To do..or to procrastinate...that tis the question.

Happy Saturday everyone!

It has been a VERY busy weekend so far, but very fulfilling as well.  Before I get into that, let me back up a little.

Richard and I have been making super delicious and healthy smoothies with our Vitamix, almost every morning for breakfast.  The mornings that we don't have one, is because we got out of bed too late and we were in a mad rush to get to work.  I HATE days that are like this!  

I hate being rushed, and I hate getting out of bed in the morning too.  BUT...the logical part of me has taken over, and has reminded me, that I cannot have it both ways.  Maybe in a perfect world, but this certainly isn't a perfect world. 

So, I sat myself down this past week, trying to figure out different ways to be more productive with my time, and still accomplish the things I want to set out for.  

So...that leads us up to today.  Every morning like I said earlier, we make a healthy smoothie, that usually consists of : 

- 5 Frozen Strawberries
-1 Banana
-A few frozen  mango chunks
-A few frozen peach slices
-1 Orange
-1 tbsp Berry Sherbert
-1 tbsp of Coconut Oil
-2 tbsp of Metamucil
- 1/4 cup Pineapple Juice
-1/4 cup of Water
-about 8-10 Ice Cubs
-2 1/2 Scoops of the EMPowerPlus Powder(we each get 1 1/4 scoops)

Sometimes we mix it up and replace one of the fruits for a different fruit, like pineapple, blueberries, kiwi, or apples...and we'll replace some of the veggies for carrots, or cucumber.

I have to tell you, that this is DELICIOUS!  It is extremely filling and refreshing.

So, as you can see there are a lot of ingredients.  Even though the Vitamix makes the smoothie in NO TIME, it still takes time to get all of these things out, measure them out and all that great stuff!

I decided to take the fruits and veggies that we use, and package them all up into either individual containers, or sandwich baggies.  

THEN...I took it a step FURTHER!.

We have made a goal to start eating a salad every day at lunch time.  SO....because I felt like being ambitious, I decided to chop up different types of veggies and also separate them into sandwich bags as well.

I started at 9:30am and finished around 12:30pm.  I am seriously in love with how my fridge looks right now! want to just STARE at it because I personally think it looks TOTALLY AWESOME!

So, I took some pictures for ya'll to see how everything turned out.  Even though it took 3 hours, it was totally worth my time.  One of the reasons I have completely failed at making salads for lunch in the past, is because I was making them every night after work, and it was a GIANT pain the butt!  No excuses now!)

I am also going to make a homemade/healthy salad dressing.  I will let you know how it goes and how it tastes when it's finished.


Here's a picture above, of most of the ingredients I used....

The above picture is of the different items I bagged....which are : Oranges, apples, kale, chard, olives, carrots, cucumber, cauliflower, mushrooms, green peppers, red/orange peppers, cheese, sunflower seeds, croutons,  shaved almonds, cherry tomatoes, eggs(hard boiled already to peel the shell), lettuce and spinach. (of course the frozen fruit is in either plastic containers or baggies all portioned out)

I peeled all of our oranges and bagged them up too.  I have this nifty orange peeler tool that I bought from tuperware years ago, and the $10.00 I spent on it was certainly worth it!  It made the peeling go soooo much faster.
(the orange peeler thingy is the green plastic thing on the far right side of the cutting board)

(TIP* Save and bag some of the orange peel, to use it for some nice fresh
oranges zest in your salads or homemade sauces/salad dressings)

(TIP*Anything that needs to be cooked, get that cooking in your oven or stove top while you're chopping other veggies/fruit up to save some time.)

TA DA!  Here is our fridge...isn't it awesome???  I am super excited about it.  All I have to do every morning before work is take literally 60 seconds to collect our lunch stuff and throw it into the lunch bag...and then take 2-3 minutes to make our smoothie and that's it!  Totally worth the time, and I KNOW it will pay of!

So while I've been busy in the kitchen, and cleaning the house, Richard and my dad have been outside putting on a new roof to the add on of our home.  It was supposed to POUR outside today, but it didn't...THANKFULLY!   We sure our blessed.  

Hope you all are having a fabulous weekend.  I wanted to close off this post with a GREAT quote I found on line:

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” 
― Benjamin Franklin

Gives you something to think about...doesn't it????  

later sk8er!)


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