Hi, my name is Melinda, and I'm a book-a-holic.

Do you like to read? 

Do I, you may ask??? YES, why yes I do.  Besides music, reading is an escape for me.  I can put any stress I have to the side when I'm reading because that's all that matters.

This past weekend we went camping...and it was pretty glorious!  We ran some errands, here and there. Watched some movies(yes, I know we're such traditional campers, lol) and relaxed.

The one thing that I enjoyed the most was reading.  Having our trailer windows open, letting in a nice refreshing breeze, while cozied up on the couch... it's like my piece of Heaven.  

I just started reading a series, that I've read before...again. The author is Anita Stansfield...and I must say I LOVE  her books.  She is an LDS author, and that's one of the reasons I enjoy her books.  What I mean by that is SHE'S CLEAN.  I can enjoy some romance, adventure and humor without being worried that I will read something that makes me uncomfortable.  She is not preachy about religion either.    

The book that I'm reading is called Gables Facing East.  The book is based in Australia.  I really cannot sum the book up in one paragraph and I will spare you the boring details for those of you who really are not interested ,but I sure do love it.  The main characters own miles of land and race horses for a living, and it is a historic novel.  I find myself becoming immersed into the book, picturing myself their at these horse races or other exciting adventures that take place.  

I love when I get so wrapped up in a story line that the slightest, quietest sounds startle me back to reality and it takes me a little while to "bounce back". 

As hard as it can be, I love when you become so invested in a story line (and the characters lives) that when something tragic happens I start crying like a baby trying to figure out how to except and deal with such grief.  

I love when a story line has you sitting on the edge of your seat, and you start yelling to yourself in excitement when something you've been waiting for to happen...FINALLY happens, and you feel like you're on cloud nine. 

Have you ever felt this way?  

Growing up I wasn't into reading much.  But as I got into my teens I started to read Anita Stansfield and my interest in reading bloomed.  Then it died down for a while.  I missed it, I just didn't realize it until I met Richard.  His love for reading kind of helped my love for reading kindle again and here we are today.   

10 Benefits of Reading:

1)Mental Stimulation
2)Stress Reduction
4)Vocabulary Expansion
5)Memory Improvement
6)Stronger Analytical thinking skills
7)Improved Focus and concentration
8)Better Writing skills
10)Free Entertainment

(For more info visit the actual page I read this information on, here's the link below:
http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/10-benefits-reading-why-you-should-read-everyday.html )

Whether you like novels that involve romance, or novels that take you on adventures where you can travel the world, reading gives you the chance to strengthen your mind and become who you want to be, even if it's only while you turn pages.

Reading can change your life.  I can honestly say I am a stronger person for it.  As silly as it may sound, it's the truth.  I have learned so many lessons on how I can become a better me by the stories I have read, whether they were fiction or not.  

One of my favorite Disney movies is Beauty and the Beast.  I always have loved the story line.  I love that Belle was able to see the "beast" for who he was on the inside and to not judge him by his outward appearance.  One of Belle's true passions in life is reading.  When I think of someone being excited about reading, Belle pops into my head.  Yes, I know what you're probably thinking..and that's okay.  She gets so excited about reading the same book and says..."Well it's my favorite, far of places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise".  Who wouldn't love that right?!  I'm with Belle on this one.

And I must say one thing...I know that everyone has their own tastes when it comes to reading.  I like what I like, and you like what you like.  That's great...read what makes you feel good and uplifts you.  Read what you enjoy and what you can relate to.  Sometimes what you enjoy may be an escape from a busy and stressful life, or maybe you want to challenge yourself.  It can all be great.

I want to end this post by sharing a fabulous quote, by the one and only Dr. Seuss...

So, what adventure are you going to go on next?  Me, you ask? I'll be in the Outback :)


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