Mother" of Pearl

Many of you that know me well know that I use the phrase "mother of pearl" ALL of the time.  I have for years.  For instance, if I stub my toe or get irritated with something that's my phrase.  It's a random phrase I know.  I like it because I'm kind of random too, lol.  I like that it's something that I can say in a frustrating time that isn't negative.  Do you know what "mother of pearl means".  The mother of pearl is a natural gem that is found in the shells of molluscs.  Did you catch that??  Mother of pearl is a natural Gem...I kinda like that.  I looked that one up today!!!

ANYWAY...before you leave our blog thinking I'm some whack job that wants to talk about gems and rocks and such, that's not the "moral of the story", but I'm getting to it.  

Today is Mothers day as most of us know.  To me my mother IS a gem.  To me she has been a lifesaver that has been thrown to me during many times I was lost at sea.  She has been an example of love, compassion, humility and forgiveness.  I love my mother, more than words can EVER express.  I thanks my Father in Heaven for allowing her to be my mother.  There is no one in this world that could replace her and I count my lucky stars she's mine.  

NOW...I must share with you what celebrating today is like for someone who is not a mother...ME.  This is an awkward subject that most people would whisper to their friends about but not be comfortable actually talking to someone like me about.  There's no hiding the fact that I have not been blessed with this gift of motherhood.  Does it suck? does.  I won't lie it sucks ROYALLY!  All my life I have dreamed of becoming a mother, and being a stay at home mom.  Some may think I am crazy, but I dream of days where I get up early, making lunches and have a nice hot meal prepared for my family.  I have dreamed of getting to baking cookies, having flour fights and tucking in kids at night.  But this post today is not to be a sob story.  Sure some may feel sorry for me, heck I get it.  I FEEL SORRY FOR times.  But instead of wallowing in self pity(which trust me I have done...many times over the past 10 years) I have come to the conclusion that if it's meant to be it'll happen.  Both my husband Richard and I have been to Doctors, who have assured us we SHOULD be able to have children....we just don't.  Weird right?  

So back to today...yes it's uncomfortable.  It puts those righteous desires that we have of being parents shoved right in our faces.  Maybe it's not something that I will be able to get over EVER, but I have hope.  I know that the Lord knows what's best for us, even when we cannot see it ourselves.  I know that their are reasons for most things that happen in our lives.  I know that if it's meant to happen, it will.  I have come to terms with this, and have not JUST excepted it, but you know what...I'm okay with it.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't drop what I'm doing now to have a baby...because I WOULD, BUT...(and here's that BUT again), I'm not going to hate God because of the situation.  My life has been blessed in countless ways.  I know that I'm being looked out for.  I know that my life RIGHT NOW is the one I should be living.

So if you see us or someone that has a situation similar to ours, don't be scared or shy.  Be REAL.  Remember that we are just normal people that have a different kind of family.  We are not going to be offended if you have questions.  We'd rather you have questions that come to us, then having you avoid us because it makes you uncomfortable....because I will be honest with you that stinks!

You also know what?  Perhaps this is why Richard and I are best friends?  I know without a doubt that my Heavenly Father led me to my husband.  No doubt, NOT ONE!  We are like 2 pieces of the same heart that fit PERFECTLY together, for lack of a better comparison.

Richard is my blessing, he IS my family and that's more than I could ever hope for.  I am content and grateful for the life I have.  There are more ways in this life to be a "mother figure" than just having born a child.  I could go on and on but that's a topic for another time.

So happy Mothers Day to all.  To those who have the privledge of being amother and not.  We all have blessings, and they're not all of the same.  Some of you may have children of your own, or other children like our cats :)  It doesn't matter.  We are all daughters of God and are loved no differently based on our lifes circumstances.

I bid you "adieu"...and a mother of pearl, as we are ALL "Mother of Pearls"


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