Six Months...

I sure wish that I was better at this...but here I am 6 months later...oops!
Well it was a super busy summer.  We put off doing any renos in our house and did outside renos.  Our project this year was taking down our old fence, and putting up a new one.  We unfortunately didn't get everything else done that we needed to.

I'm sure we could have gotten the other projects done if money(which seems to ALWAYS be the problem right??!)  hadn't have been in our way!

But oh well..I'm thankful that we got as far as we did.  This past week the weather started to get super cold, so I think that we're outta luck for finishing up anything else for outside this year.

I am really excited.....because this is my favorite time of the year.  Richard and I make our Halloween Costumes every year(at least this is the 4th year) and it's been so much fun.

This year we're dressing up as Mario and Princess Peach.  It's going to be great.   So we've got that on the go right now....(making our costumes that is).  THEN....we are also going to try to have our carpet torn out and replace it with new floors before the end of this month.  We are both so sick of our ugly carpets.

What's the rush you ask????  Well of course the Christmas Tree goes up November 1st, and I would like to have the floors done by then.

We had planned on spending Christmas in Idaho this year...but unfortunately it's not going to work out.  BUT we are totally excited to have Ione(Richards mom) come up here and spend the holidays with us again...can you say EXCITED????


On another note....

It was General Conference today and yesterday...and what an amazing Conference it was.  It was such a powerful set of meetings.  I sure am thankful to know that we have a Prophet that leads and guides us in these days.  I'm thankful for technology, and having the ability to watch Conference from the comfort of our own couch.

One of the things that President Monson stated today is that we are so greatly blessed.  There are so many little blessings in our lives that we probably don't even see them their, that basically we  focus too much on the big things(that's my own thought).  Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here(yes here in Canada) and that thought of his made me think that although I am grateful for my I notice EVERYTHING that the Lord gives me?  Do I truly see why each blessing is actually a blessing?  I know's because Heavenly Father loves me...that's He blesses me...that's why He blesses all of us.  It's simple I know, but I can say for myself that I don't look at the simple things in life.  I'm always so worried about getting my "check list" finished, that I don't take time to just slow down and notice the things that are passing me by.  I'm really going to try to slow my pace down..and enjoy the life that I've been blessed to live.

Well...that's it for now.  I will check in again soon(but don't get mad at me if it's more later than sooner ,lol!!)



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