You've got to....

Do you know why I love February?  Because it's a month dedicated to love.  Now I'm not talking about buying that "special someone" some chocolates or flowers.  Sure, it's nice to get flowers and chocolate right?!  Who doesn't love getting pampered with goodies?  I want to take a different direction with February...the love month.  I want to branch out a let me show you what I mean...and as cheesy as it is listen all the way through... you get where I'm going with things?  We need to show more love to each other!  How many times have we heard "if people would just show more love, more kindness this world would be a better place"?'s true isn't it?  

February gives us an excuse to be better.  Not that we NEED a reason to show love, but it gives us a little push...a little shove in the right direction.  We don't need to only show love to those we know, but everyone around us.  

This can be a tough month for many, so I challenge you to think of people you know, or don't.  How can you make them feel loved?  Let others know they are not alone, and that someone does care about them.  Lend a hand, show a smile and give a hug.  We are all of one kind, one family.  Let's show it in our words, and our deeds.  To our families, friends, neighbors, and strangers.  

Why? Because in the end, love is all that matters.


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