Who are you?

Yesterday's Sunday School class posed an important question....who are we?  Seriously, do YOU know?  It got me thinking.  Do you know who you are, and where you came from?  Why you're here?  Yes, those are pretty loaded questions.  I agree.  But you know what?  I know who I am.

I am a child of God and He has sent me here.  He's given me an earlthy home with parents who are kind and dear.  

This is truth.   I believe it.  For me, there's no doubt in my mind that this is reality.  How thankful I am to know these things.  There are many who live this earth, and leave this earth without this knowledge.  To me, this is sad.  I have to say that living this life, not knowing who we are would be like walking around, in the dark without any light to guide us.  We would be lost.

I know that God exists.  I know that God loves us.  I know that God and His son are two separate beings, who want us to return back to live with them some day.  

It is easy to forget our worth.  When the stresses of life get us down, it's easy for our self worth to be questioned.  It's easy to believe we don't have it in us to get through any trials or struggles that stand in our way.  

But when we take this knowledge, knowing we are a child of God, well this knowledge can be our guide, our light in a very darkened world.  It can remind us our worth.  It can remind us where we came from, and surely any child of God can get through the difficult times that are laid before us.  

Because I am a daughter of God....

These are the things/answers I'm going to figure out and think about this week...so I'll have to update you another time.  But I'd like to challenge you to do the same.  What does it mean to you to be a child of God?  

Oh, and you know what?  If we're all children of God(which I know we are) then we're all literally spirit children of God.  This means we're all brothers and sisters.  How lucky are we?

So I'll ask you, one more time...who are you?


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