Oh happy day...

Wow, what an awesome weekend!  I have to say it was very uplifting and just fun!!!  We had a Church women's conference on Saturday and the topics were fantastic...but I'll talk about them another time.  I wanted to quickly mention a few things this morning that light up my life.

-Music- oh what joy it brings to my soul.  Isn't amazing what kind of effect music can have on us? It can either make me incredibly sad and emotional or have bursts of energy and make me instantly happy.  I know I speak of music a lot, but it plays a huge roll in my life.  I have my phone with over 1000 songs on it wherever I go.  I have some sort of speaker sound system in each room in our house so regardless of where  I am, I can play my music and play it loudly if I want to.  Or I have 2 pairs of headphones so in those moments where you know other people are sick of listening to the same music over and over again, I can still enjoy myself without pestering others :)  Music is a passion of mine and I am so eternally thankful for it.  It truly does bring great sunshine in my life.

-Service- What can I say?  I love it.  There's something about making someone smile, or doing an act of service that lifts me up.  I'm kind of addicted to it, so much that Richard has told me at times to pull back the reigns a bit.  I remember often the scripture that is so well known, and forgive me if I do not quote it 100% perfectly- "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings, ye are only in the Service of your God".  I feel like serving others brings me closer to my Heavenly Father and LET ME TELL YOU...that is so important to me! 

The list could go on...and on and on and on.  There are many things that bring sunshine into my life.  Things that lift me up.  I don't always focus on these things, unfortunately and that is what I'm going to encourage you and myself to do.  Focus more on the good things going on in our lives.  Be grateful for our blessings.  There are always going to be struggles and trials.  There are going to be things that we just aren't happy about period.  But there are also going to be good things going on.  Let's focus on these things that uplift us and make us better people.  It would do us much good, and it would do the world good too!

I think that when we focus on the good in our life, the negative things don't seem as tough or feel so intense.  I think that it's easier to get through our trials when we're looking to the light.  How blessed we are, to make our own choices, and to be able to choose the "light".

Have a beautiful week and toodles,


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