There's no place like home...

Oh my...what an exciting and exhausting 1 1/2 weeks.

We have come and gone from our Roth family reunion...and it was a BLAST.   I love Idaho so much.

We had some really fun times, and made some great memories.  What was my favorite activity?  Movie night in Fred and Jer's backyard(Richards Dad and step-mom).

Just about everyone in the family was able to attend.  We set up our projector screen/projector and watched Wreck it Ralph.  How fun right?  It was awesome!  I think we need to make this a family tradition.

So...something I wanted to post about tonight was an awesome product I just happened to stumble upon the day we left for Idaho.

First, I must tell you that I do not does not matter what I do, it just doesn't happen.  I've come to terms with it, but that doesn't mean I like it.  I am pasty white.  I will burn, and then turn right back to tan in between.  I REALLY wanted to have some kind of color, especially while in Idaho.  I was at our local pharmacy and found this product :

Now, you may already know about it...but I didn't.  I figured, why not right?  Right!  So my results are in....and I have to tell you that I LOVE this product.  It is so easy to use, there are no streaks, and it dries within 1-2 minutes.  It's important to shower/shave and exfoliate before using as it helps to stick to the skin better.  I personally apply this all over my body, not just my legs.  Yes, my arms, face, neck/chest, and legs/feet.  This stuff is soooooo beautiful.  I usually apply it and then do my make-up/hair just so it has a chance to become super dry.  I have worn white capris and it has not rubbed off.  

I read a lot of reviews before trying it.  Some people have had it rub of, but I think that one of the reasons this may have happened is because they do not exfoliate first.  You need to make sure to get rid of any dry/dead skin.  That's just my two sense. 

Anyhow, I wanted to share this product, because seriously I love it.  It cost me $12.99 and will easily last me at least 1 month, which is a way better price then going to get a spray I can do it in the privacy of my own home.  I even wore this last week and ran through the sprinkler and had my feet splashing around in some kiddy pools and it did not rub off.  To was it off, all you need to do is use your exfoliater and a lufa and voila, it's gone.( I used the one that said light/medium skin)

Well, I'm gonna jet.  I am super tired.  I will upload some pics for you below from our trip

Have a great night!!!)


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