Gifts of Love...

It's getting to be that time of year....the Most Wonderful time right?  Right.  It is in our home.  As most of you know I love Christmas.  I love the music, the decorations, the twinkly lights, the giving, the kindness from others/giving to others, and the sweet beautiful spirit that seems to follow you everywhere you go.  

I put up our Christmas three 1 1/2 weeks ago, and I just love it.  I've been listening to Christmas music around the clock(poor Richard), and I am just in the Christmas mood.  It is bitter cold here today.  I feel like baking up a storm and getting my Christmas goods started.  Maybe I will?? 

I feel very blessed, to have so much.  There's no need to make a list of all I have, but I am grateful.  

Love to me is one of the greatest gifts we can give/receive.  I am thankful to receive/feel it, and happy to give it.  There are so many ways we can share love this holiday season.  Why bring it up now when it's only Mid November?  Because we are busy, and when we are busy we can forget to easily.

Write a letter to someone and drop it off(anonymously is a lot of fun).  Tell someone how much you appreciate them, and cherish them.  Draw a picture, or send them a quick note via facebook/email.  There are a lot of people that dread this time of year, for various reasons.  Seek those individuals out and make them feel loved and welcome.  Spend time with them.  Invite them to a holiday activity.  Call them on Christmas, letting them know they are being thought of.  Serve in your community.  When we take a step back and remember that this season isn't about materialistic gifts, but gifts of the heart...our whole entire Christmas experience could change.  Help a family in need.  Put someone elses needs above your own. 

Richard and I have picked families several times that were not doing well financially to help during the holidays.   I remember doing it as a child for other families, and someone doing it for our family.  Pay it forward right?

Plan ahead and think of a way you can share some love this season.  Love is our most greatest gift.


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