They're really listening, promise!

Where does time go?  It seems the older we get, the faster time passes by.

Last year was a really horrible year.  I mean sure it could have been worse, but it was really tough.  I personally am happy to say au revoir(bye) and move on.

What is the saying...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger???  How very true!

Anyway here we are,  in the middle of May 2015...first blog post of the year.  Ya, I'm once again calling myself out as a total and complete slacker.  But when we fall, we need to get up and try again right?  Right.

I've struggled with what to write about, but knew I just wanted to write.

So, life has been a very interesting one the last several months.  Richard and I have made a lot of different plans, that have ended up changing several times.  Life happens, and so we adjust.  We continue to pray and trust that the Lord will help us to know what direction we need to take.

Richard and I are pretty excited for August and November of this year.  We have never been on real vacation before.  I mean I love all of my Idaho-ins, but I want to go somewhere new!  So in August Richard and I will be going to Oregon.  We are going with Fred and Jer, and also Richards Sister Jen and her husband Chris.  So...the 6 of us are renting a beautiful beach house and will spend the week taking it easy and enjoying the ocean.  Just a short walk down a hill and we'll be right at the beach.


Then, mid November we will be going to Disneyland!!!!!  Seriously I have waited for this day for SO LONG!  I have never been to Disneyland and I am ridiculously excited!  Richard and I will be going with our awesome friends Dan and Amy.  Seriously, we are going to have a blast.  I will be just like a 5-6 year old child that walks up to EVERY SINGLE them a hug and takes a picture with them....OH YA! haha :) 

Anyway so we have some exciting things to look forward to.  Now that Spring/Summer has stated to peak it's way around the corner we're also going to start camping which we are SUPER pumped about!

Anyway,  Once I have something more interesting and profound to write about, I'll keep you posted.

Love ya and toodles,


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