Be my...what?

We are officially coming up to "love month".  So many of us think...oh here we go again...another reason to blow bunch of money on some commercial holiday(I personally don't think this, but have heard a lot of people say this before!)

I am a hopeless romantic.  I've watched nearly every Hallmark movie I can get my hands on, and although they are so predictable I cry after watching nearly all of them.  But you know what, that is one of the qualities I genuinely like about myself.  I love that I get moved to tears when people fall in love, and I love that small or large acts of service make me feel all warm and fuzzy. 

We hear the words "be mine" around this time of year.  We know what this popular question means....but let's for just one minute stop to think about what else it could mean.

Be my....

mouth piece

It doesn't matter how put together others may look.  Everyone needs a smile.  Everyone needs a helping hand.  Everyone needs love....and I don't mean relationship love here people, I mean love shown towards them.  You don't have to know someone to show them love.  Small acts of service can amount to so much.  If someone looks like they are having a bad day, tell them how beautiful they look...or make a point of giving them a sincere smile.  Hold a door open for someone that may have their hands full,  or let a mother with small children go ahead of you in front of a line.  

There is too much hatred in this world we live in.  We need more love.  We need more compassion.  We need more kindness.  If we want a change in the world, it starts with us.  One act of random kindness at a time.  

So...what am I doing to make this world a better place?  Definitely not enough. day at a time, I can do my part.  I've been thinking lately about the Garden Willow Terrace residence here in Magrath.  When my family first moved to Alberta, my mom worked at the Terrace as the activities coordinator.  She planned fun events for them.  Often I would go to the Terrace after school and participate.  I remember bowling with them, and playing the piano for them.  Lately as I've been trying to think of ways to serve others, and these old souls keep coming to mind.  Then tonight...randomly I had this totally fun idea.  I want to make all of them Valentines Cards.  I want them to know that even strangers love them and care about them.  That they are being thought of, and that they aren't alone.  Some may say this is silly, but putting a smile one someone's face is NEVER silly.  

So, next weekend my nieces are coming over and we're going to make homemade valentines cards.  Then, the day before Valentines day we will go and hand them out to each individual.  

It feels so good.  Not only do we bless the lives of others when we serve, but we bless our own lives.  We are examples to those around us.  Maybe others will want to follow our example.  Isn't it an awesome thought, to think that if we all did one act of kindness a day how amazing this world could become?  

Well that's all for tonight.  Let's all try to be someone's something...:)


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