
Showing posts from February, 2016

I....have a dream

Have you ever made a wish for something you could only dream of when blowing out your birthday candles?  Have you ever thrown a coin into a wishing well and wished for something you wanted so badly, but never believed it was possible? I love the movie Tangled.  Seriously, one of our favorites here in the Roth household.  Rapunzel has this great dream to see the floating lights.  She has watched the floating lights out from the tower window every year since she was a little girl...wondering what they really were.  She goes on this amazing adventure to see the lights up close and personal.  She gets much much more than what she ever bargained for. I am a dreamer.  I often go to bed at night, picturing myself in certain situations, with many different dreams that have " come true " ....literally in my dreams!  There's one dream though, that I have had most recently.  I have to say that perhaps, this is one dream that I want possibly more than anything else

Spread love....

Happy Happy Saturday Peeps!  Seriously I am so happy today is today. So, remember the little service project I told ya'll about a few posts ago?  Well last weekend myself and my nieces made the Valentines cards for the people that live in the seniors home here.  We seriously had so much fun!   So...this afternoon at lunchtime while the residence were having lunch we delivered the cards.  Hayley wasn't able to help but Mady brought her friend along.  I wasn't able to take many pictures because we were so busy handing out the cards.  The men and women were so happy and seriously loved them.  One of the ladies got up afterwards and thanked us for the lovely cards.   All it took for us to bring a smile to their faces was a few hours of crafting.  Not all service involves crafting, but seriously it goes to show you what your efforts can do for others.   I love love.  I love loving others.  I love that I have love in my

My fight song...

2 1/2 weeks ago I attended a Relief Society Conference.  There were different classes we had the opportunity to attend.  The first class we went to was about music.  How music can fill your life and soul with love and purpose. Each person in the class was given a booklet with different songs.  The class sang just about every song that was in the the booklet.  Some were hymns, some were not.  With each song I felt peace. I'm sure most of us that listen to a radio have heard a song called "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten.  If you haven't heard it, you should.  The lyrics are powerful and very uplifting. Here's some lyrics from the chorus " This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me" The teacher then went on to