My fight song...

2 1/2 weeks ago I attended a Relief Society Conference.  There were different classes we had the opportunity to attend.  The first class we went to was about music.  How music can fill your life and soul with love and purpose.

Each person in the class was given a booklet with different songs.  The class sang just about every song that was in the the booklet.  Some were hymns, some were not.  With each song I felt peace.

I'm sure most of us that listen to a radio have heard a song called "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. 

If you haven't heard it, you should.  The lyrics are powerful and very uplifting.

Here's some lyrics from the chorus

"This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My power's turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care if nobody else believes
'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me"

The teacher then went on to suggest that we all make our own "fight song" list.  Choose some songs that encourage and uplift us.(yes...some are spiritual related, and some are not)

It got me thinking...what would be my fight songs?  What songs fill my soul with joy?  What songs make me feel safe and calm?  When I feel anxious and scared what songs do I listen to to calm me down?  What songs do I listen to when I am happy, what songs do I listen to when I'm sad.  So... I compiled a list of my fight songs that cover all of the above areas, and thought I'd share them with you.  

1) Mozarts Turkish March-Seriously have you heard this amazing mater piece???  I remember when I was first taking piano lessons and I met these two girls who just happened to be sisters.  They both played the piano.  Honestly I don't remember how I met them, all I remember is that they both were so talented.  One day I went to their house and one of the girls played this song for me.  I will never forget it.  I was seriously in awe, seeing her fingers fly around on the keys, sounding so beautiful....bring me down from cloud nine would ya?  My love for the piano started at this point.  Listening to the piano is so soothing for me and makes me feel whole.  This is my tranquility song.

2)Lay it Down- By Jonathan Meyers and Cera Pack -Why this song?  How many freaking mistakes do we make in this life, and how many times do we beat ourselves up about it every single single day?   Do we hold onto these mistakes and allow them to weigh us down?   I love this song because it teaches us that it's okay to lay them down and to hand them over to the Lord.  Not only do I LOOOVE the lyrics...but the beat of this song seriously gets me dancing around the joking.  This is my "Remember you're a daughter of God and He loves you" song.

Here's a sneak peak at some of the lyrics:

When you're burdens are too heavy
and it feels like there's no ending.
There's a lifeline that will put you through.

When you're crawling in the desert and you're weak from lack of water
An oasis is waiting for you.

You just have to choose to lay it down, put it behind you.  
Stop holding on, to all of the wrong that you've kept inside of you. 
Ya you've been through the worst, you live and you learn 
and you learn what you need to for now, 
So lay it down, lay it down.

3) Edelweiss-from the Sound of Music.  Yes, I love this song, and the Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies.  This song is my calmness song.  In a world that is so hectic and noisy, I can listen to this song and it drowns out all distractions around me.

4) Madeleine-by Backstreet Boys- Why?  Because it's encouraging(and no it's not because I've had 19 years of loving them behind me...however it helps ;)  seriously listen to the lyrics.  When they wrote this song, it was dedicated to individuals who were being bullied.  It helps us to remember that through trials we can rise up and overcome them.  We are strong, and we're not alone.  This sound encourages me when I feel sad or unhappy with life.  I love it.

5)Lemonade- by Alex Boye- Alex is not super famous..but I think he will be one day.  I love this song.  I remember when I first heard it, I was crafting that day.  I literally put it on repeat and listened to it for hours...over and over and over again.  I don't even think I need to explain why this is one of the songs I turn to, but I'll enlighten you anyway.  When I am tired, or when I am grumpy...this is my song.  It reminds me to try to find the good, in the bad.  To be grateful for the blessings I have instead of focusing on what I don't have.

My favorite lyrics from this song?

I was saved for a reason that I can't explain
Got something new to believe in, I'm awakened again.
So many miracles are happening each day,
If I can just get out of my own way"

That's the key, get out of our own heads...and this helps me to get out of mine!

6) Trust me-by yet again...the Backstreet Boys-  Trust me - sometimes trust can be hard, right?  Am I the only one?  When I've been burned in the past by people it can be hard to trust others, because I automatically doubt.  Richard doesn't make me feel this way, and this song makes me thing of him.  It reminds me that his love for me is unconditional.  It song makes me smile..EVERY...SINGLE..TIME that I listen to it...SERIOUSLY!  It makes me feel all giddy and its romantic, let's face it..and that makes me happy in itself.

"Time will always be our enemy
for tonight baby, come lie here next to me
I can never get enough of your blue eyes, just another butterfly...sigh"

WHOAH!  haha gives me butterflies thinking about it.  love it

I have more yes, but I'll save that for another post, somewhere down the line.  I can listen to these songs, over and over and over again(just ask Richard, he'll tell you...poor guy, haha)

The main point to making your own "fight song" list is to be prepared with these songs, for times of happiness, sorrow and cheer.  Music is one of the most powerful things on this earth(in my opinion)

Sorry for talking your ear off, but I hope that I helped some of you to feel happiness and joy while listening to some of my favorite tunes.



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