He lives.

Where has this year gone to already?  It's nearly the end of March, and it feels like it was just Christmas!  I guess it's true what the say....the older you get the faster time goes.  I sure it wish it would slow down.

I am thankful for my life.  I am thankful for my beliefs.  I am thankful for the freedom that I have that allows me to live my beliefs.  

  I am the kind of person who LOVES to set goals.  I can write them down on paper, make them look super pretty and get myself totally pumped up!  I will work on these goals for maybe a week if I'm lucky and then the excitement and motivation is gone. 

Earlier this year I mentioned how I had struggled.  It's a miracle that over the past 2 1/2 months how my spirit has changed.  I set some very simple goals for myself.and I've actually stuck to them.  Reading my scriptures is something that has been a struggle most of my life.  The desire is always inside of me, but I just have had no follow through...up until this year!  I guess another popular statement IS true(at least for me) sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to make some changes.

I wouldn't say I had hit rock bottom in every aspect of my life, but spiritually I was there.  I set a goal to read my scriptures daily...and you know what?  I HAVE!(thank you very much ;)  It's amazing how one small change like this can change how I feel internally.  I generally read them every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed.  I'm now almost half way through the book of Alma, in the Book of Mormon.  This book is changing me, and it's pretty darn amazing!  

I have also been doing some other reading.  I am a sap, I will admit it.  One of my favorite Authors is Anita Stansfield.  She is an LDS author, who writes wonderful books.  The current book I am reading is one full of hope, despair, and of miracles.  

One of the characters in this book is going to University to become a doctor.  While taking a biology course, he decided to take blood samples from himself and his parents.  In doing this he finds out that his father is not actually his father.  His mother had an affair and he is the offspring of that affair.  Through his struggles to accept this, he leans on the Savior for guidance.  It is an amazing book about forgiveness and hope.  

Oh how I am thank for forgiveness.  What would like be without having the opportunity to actually forgive others, or be forgiven ourselves?  Christ made this possible for us.  I am so thankful for his sacrifice.  We have this amazing brother who gave his life for us, just so that we could be forgiven of our sins and be given the opportunity to live again, with him and our Heavenly Father.  There is no greater gift in my opinion than this.  I cannot begin to understand the pain he suffered for us.  I mean, think about it here.  Every time we cry, hurt, are mad, or go through sorrow..we were not the first ones to feel these things.  He felt them for us first.  He knows what we are going through....in every sense of the word.  I am thankful to know that no matter what I do in this life, I have him, my brother by my side.  It gives me great comfort.  

I love my Savior.  I am thankful for him, and his love for me.  Happy Easter everyone.


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