Totally Random...

So...we had such beautiful weather on Saturday, that we thought the nice weather was here...we were DEAD Seriously though, it has snowed so much over the last two days. It's kind of depressing, it feels like the snow is never going to go away. Ah well, what can you do right?
So nothing too exciting is going on. We've been doing some more work in our apartment...a little here, a little there. It looks fantastic if I do say so myself. We've also been doing a lot of Missionary Work lately, which has been very rewarding. It's ironic because the Elders have been coming over here a lot, to do member lessons or for dinner. Of course they ask us every time they're here if we know someone we can refer to them. We know they're going to ask, and I regret saying that I've complained about how "pushy" or "forward" they're being...but the ironic thing is is that every time they ask us, we give them a name...last time it was three names. The feeling that it leaves with us such peace and love. I know that sharing the Gospel is scary and difficult most of the time, but once we've taken that leap of faith, we are soooooo blessed! I LOVE IT!!!


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