Well...yesterday were at Wal-Mart(I know...so exciting), and they had a desk on sale for $70.00. I've wanted somewhere to do my scrapbooking for a long time, but I was not going to spend a lot of $$$! Anyhow, so we bought the desk, and voila..here it is.

There's still some stuff I'm going to do with it, but over the next few days I'll primp it up. So, I called Mellissa's today and of course Hayley answered like she always does. We ended up talking on the phone for almost an hour! I love that kid, she's the best. So, I made her this little card which happens to be the first thing I've made on my new desk..lol here it is

I think it turned out fun. I'm so excited to start scrapbooking again, it's going to be great.


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