So...after about 2 1/2 weeks of waiting to hear if we're going to get this trailer...we finally found out today that WE GOT IT! Ok, so I know that the first thought most people think of when they hear "trailer" is well cheap and icky. Our trailer IS NOT that! Seriously. So it has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms(one in which is an ensuite...sweet!!!), huge kitchen/living room, beautiful yard and a shed. We take posession October 1st, I'm so excited. This is such an exciting time for us. We got Richards work permit renewal in the mail last week, which is also exciting. Things are coming together so wonderfully, I mean we know that it's a total blessing. We feel so blessed and SO EXCITED to start this new journey in our own home. SMILE:)


Anonymous said…
I love your home~! It's perfect for you and Richard. Congratulations!!!

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