Wonderful Weekend

So...this past weekend was great! Ione(Richards Mom), Jenny(Richards Sister) and her darling daughter came up to visit us! We had a blast, talking about old memories, doing some shopping, cooking up some YUMMY food and just spending time together. We haven't seen them for 3 1/2 years, WAY too long! It was so nice to see them, and don't get me wrong I'm totally thankful that they were able to come up here...it just wasn't enough time! But, I'm thankful that we could be with them, even if it was only two days. It makes us realise how MUCH we miss them! If Richards darn paperwork would HURRY UP and be done, then we could see them more often. It was sure sad saying bye to them this morning. But once again so thankful they came up! Thanks guys, LOVE YOU ALL LOTS!! XOXOXO


Kellie said…
It's so nice to see family. I'm going to Halifax in about 3 weeks & I can't wait!

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