Well...welcome to 2010! I'm really excited for a new year. It's a great one so far!

We started a little "game" if you will, our own version of the Biggest Loser at work. There's a lot of people that want to loose weight and get healthier, me being one of those people. Besides the Jackpot Prize(everyone put in $40.00), the greatest thing will be to just feel good about myself again.

So...we started this past Monday, and I have to say I've been kicking butt! I've been eating super healthy and have been exercising too. It's amazing how good your body can feel, and how much extra energy you can have because of eating properly and working out. Like tonight...for example. What would have been a usual night to sit back and watch tv...I um...I guess I started doing that by watching one of my soaps from earlier...BUT I after that worked out..doing our Biggest Loser Wii game. After that had dinner and that is where I'd normally be done for the night. BUT that's soooo not the case people! I got up, got 2 loads of laundry folded, and another 2 started and done/put away AND cleaned our entire home! How totally awesome is that? It makes me feel so good inside knowing that I'm on this great journey back to getting myself back again.

SOOOO look out people, cuz here I come! lol



Anonymous said…
I wish all the best to you and Richard in the new year and I know you will do great with your weight loss goals!!! Happy Belated Birthday Richard!!!

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