He's my everything....

Wow, so I totally meant to blog yest. but Sundays are always super busy, especially considering that we have church at 1:00. It makes the day just fly by. I also had to speak in Sacrament Meeting yesterday, so that was another distraction, which by the way I'm thankful for is over with. Anyhow, I just wanted to publicly tell the world how much I LOVE and CHERISH my husband. It's hard for me to say certain things to him because I get so emotional, but I'm going to try and say them now! So bear with me.

I know, without a doubt that we were meant to be together. If so many things hadn't have happened to me or him for that matter we wouldn't be together today. Richard is the best gift I could have received from my Father in Heaven. As long as I'm with him, my life is content.

Whenever he walks into a room, and even just smiles at me my heart melts and my knees wabble...like I could fall at any moment. Just the site of this man, makes me want to giggle(don't mock me, lol) because he's so beautiful to me.

I love him for randomally dancing with me in the kitchen to no music at all. I love him for loading up his arms with 10+ grocery bags so that I don't have to carry any. I love him for always putting me first, and trying to do what he thinks will make me happy.

He is the most decent, honest, kindest, most loving, and most wonderful man that I know. I'm so thankful that he's mine. Love you Richard...happy "be-lated" Valentines Day Post


Anonymous said…
Thank you for that post Mindy! It brought tears to my eyes. Sometimes I lost sight of the simple reasons why I love my husband and you just made me remember them. Oh and can you make my blog look like yours???? Super CUTE!
sunshinemomentz said…
thanks Chrissy:) I've been working on my blog for the last few hours, trying out new stuff. SOO fun! lol
Anonymous said…
I love the lettering, you have to tell me how you did that!!
sunshinemomentz said…
it's kinda hard to explain online, I'd have to show you. Or you can go to the website that I used for instructions on how to do it. Richard helped me with it because you have to use html code and stuff...which I totally don't get. Here's the web addy : http://www.kevinandamanda.com/whatsnew/tutorials/how-to-use-a-cute-font-for-your-blogger-post-titles.html#more-386

Good luck! If you can't figure it out, I can show you how to sometime when we get together

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