A little a this, a little a that

So this weekend has been very laid back, which has been nice. Richard and I went to the late show on Friday night to see Avatar. I think the story line behind it was really neat. It had WAy too much swearing! Why, oh why do these movie makers feel the NEED to put so much swearing in movies?? The graphics, in my opinion, phenominal!!! The love story in the movie was BEAUTIFUL! I really loved how they would look at eachother, how they said to each other "I see you". It's just so deep, lol. Maybe you think I'm a dork for thinking these things, but I DON'T care. Hopefully they'll come out with a "cleanflix" version of the movie(keeping my fingers crossed).

So then we really did nothing yest. but relax and chill at home. Got some housework done, and started to get things ready for this coming weekend(Fred, Jer, Jenny and Anae are coming up from Idaho).We're SO EXCITED! Fred and Jer are staying only for the weekend(wish it was longer). Jenny and Anae are going to be staying for a week or so-of coure their invitation is open ended:)

Something I wanted to post last weekend(but forgot), was something one of the kids said in my primary class. First you should know that there's a place here in Magrath called "The Lodge"-it's a seniors home. She said:

"When you die, you either go to The Lodge, or to Heaven"

I started laughing OF COURSE, and OF COURSE they looked at me like I was NUTS!


Amy Savage said…
The Lodge...That's halarious!

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