Blessings and Fears....

So...It's been a little while since the last time that I've written a post. Nothing TOO exciting has gone on lately. But a few thoughts have crossed my mind lately that I wanted to write about today. First being my job....I LOVE IT! I mean sure, every job has it quirks, but overall I feel really blessed. I absolutely, positively love helping/serving others. I feel so enriched after I hang up the phone knowing that I've helped someone in some way. If you're wondering what I do for work...I work at Truehope. It's a company that sells natural supplements, for mainly people that have mental disorders. We help people come off of their medications that they've been taking for many reasons, for exampe: Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Depression, ADD, ADHD, Anxiety...the list goes on. I work as a support person. Anyhow, these individuals in my eyes are very strong, couragous people. I have so much respect for them. I love that I have/get to be someone that can make a difference in their lives, even if it's just a little bit.

Second thing I wanted to post about today is this Wednesday! At 10:00am we have an interview with Immigration for Richard. It's EXTREMELY nerve wracking/exciting. Here's a breif "history" of our experiences so far for the past 6 years of trying to get his paperwork done...

-Richard was DENIED into Canada the 1st time he traveled up here(for really stupid and rediculous reasons)
- The year that Richard moved up to Canada for the 1st time, he took the bus from Idaho Falls up. Once they got to the border, they REFUSED him again. Saying that he needed at least $3000.00 in his bank account to prove that he could take care of himself while he was up here. He also needed to have a letter from his Employer stating that he had a job to return to. He also needed a letter from my parents stating that they take responsibility for him during his stay. Thankfully he was able to hop on a bus and backtrack to Shelby, Montana. My mom and I drove to meet Richard in Shelby and to get him the things that he needed. When we returned to the border, and he met all of their needs they ALMOST did not let him enter again...POWER HUNGRY!
-Then of course as many know we lived in Canada for about a year, then moved back down to Idaho hoping that I would be able to work faster than he was able to work up here. NO LUCK! So we prepared and moved back up here. Every time we've crossed the border, we both get SO SICK with worry! We've been back up here for 4 years, and still waiting for his Permanent Residents Status to be completed. With having to reapply for work permits, we finally have come to Wednesday...THE INTERVIEW!

We're absolutely terrified. This person holds our future in their hands. We hope and pray that everything will work out. But of course there's always "that chance" that Richard may be denied. My worst nightmare is to be seperated from Richard(a thought that I can't bare to think of). So...we ask EVERYONE to keep us in their prayers right now...and pray that all will work out for us.



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