dream, dream, dream

Ok, so a totally random posting tonight. Last night I had a strange, but kewl dream. I woke up this morning to it. I was sitting, in an airport on a bench waiting for Richard to come and meet up with me. He was in some store(I have NO CLUE what the store was, or what he was doing in it). All of a sudden Ellen, yes I mean Ellen Degeneres, was sitting right next to me. I started telling her about how we have been working on Richards paperwork for nearly SIX YEARS. It was really odd because as we sat their, watching people passing by us(a lot of those "people" were other celebrities) she tells me that she's going to pay off all of our debt, and "take care" of his permanent resident status! After she told me this, Richard walked out of the store he was in and walked towards us...and then....I WOKE UP!!! Oh, how wonderful life would be if it could be as easy as something in our dreams!

But as I sit here and think about it...I am living my dream, so YAH me!

lol...I know I'm a TOTAL DORK!!!


Jenn said…
Hi Melinda! It's Jenn Rasmussen. I love your blog! It's so cute and positive!!

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