The Attitude of Gratitude

So today I was looking through one of my Missionary Binders. I found a paper that we made up called " The Attitude of Gratitude". We would post this paper on our wall, and then each day write something funny or memorable. I have copies of the ones that we made. I cannot stop myself from laughing my HEAD OFF while reading them. One of my favorite ones that we wrote was when my companion at the time(Sister Hart) said to Elder Johnson while we were watching General Conference together " It's just a gobstopper Elder Jonnson, not an olypic sport". That was so funny! I'm sure most of you are like "what a weirdo", but it's times like that that I want to remember.

SO, I've posted one in our kitchen on our cork board, and Richard and I are goin to start using it. You can write something funny, something that you're grateful for or whatever you like. The point is you're looking at the positive throughout the day, instead of focusing on the negative. TRY IT, trust me, it'll be worth it!

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I will post some pictures from todays family get together later on:)


Amy Savage said…
What a great idea! I may start that up too.

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